The Biostatistics team is led by Dr Joanne Reekie at PERSIMUNE. The team includes senior and junior statisticians as well as PhD students. The main aim/task of the Biostatistics group is to collaborate with clinical and scientific staff in PERSIMUNE in the design, implementation, analysis and reporting of medical research.
Specific Aims
- • To provide methodological strength and statistical rigour to interdisciplinary (collaborative) clinical research programmes across PERSIMUNE.
- • To be a Centre and natural home for all career statisticians working in PERSIMUNE: to provide them with a professional peer group; access to broader and higher-level statistical expertise; support for professional development; and opportunities to develop cross-collaborations.
- • To provide statistical training and support to existing and proposed projects, based on excellence in statistical methodology at all stages of research, from study design through data collection, analysis and publication. In this way, to facilitate the winning of major clinical research grants and the placing of publications in the most highly esteemed academic journals.
- • To provide an open and welcoming forum for anyone with an interest in statistics to discuss both individual projects or more general methodological issues.
Methodological interests and strengths
- • The design and analysis of epidemiological and other observational studies;
- • The design and analysis of nested case control studies;
- • The design and analysis of randomised trials and other clinical experiments (including the evaluation of complex interventions);
- • Survival and Poisson regression analysis including risk modelling and development and validation of prognostic scores
- • Complex statistical modelling, applications to high-dimensional biomarker data and clustered or correlated outcomes arising from measurements repeated over time (including repeated events or interventions);
- Mahmood Taghavi
- Bruno Ledergerber
- Nora Jarrett Forbes
- Ashley D.O. Roen